Libyan Constitutional Union
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Open Letter to
PRESIDENT HISSEIN HABRE OF CHAD There are worrying indications that a military
campaign is being planned by a foreign power to intervene in
Libya via Chadian territory, possibly under the guise of
supporting some Libyan dissident faction. If this should actually materialize at any time, it
would be a very serious development that would have adverse
effects on the two neighbouring nations for generations to come.
And, in the long run, it would certainly do a lot of harm to the
reputation and status of Chad as an independent country. Nobody can deny or challenge your absolute right to defend your
country by all legitimate means against any outside aggression However,
it would be most unadvisable to allow any Chadian or
forces to cross the Libyan border for offensive
The Libyan people would neither forgive nor forget any
action. As for those outsiders who may now pretend to be
overly concerned about Chad's stability or national security,
they can easily be tempted to change sides once their own greater
interests in Libya have been made even more secure. As you are well aware, Mr. President, our two peoples
once fought side by side under the Senussi banner to repel
the French invasion of Chad. Both shed their blood together in
many battlefields on Chadian soil. Indeed, the north of Chad was
only completely dominated by the French in 1913 - two years
after the Libyans themselves had become too preoccupied with the
defence of their own homeland against Italian colonialism. These two nations never should have been set against one another
the first place. You would be well advised not to make the same
mistake as the irresponsible Libyan ruler. For the sake of
generations, the intimate historical lies between our
should be further strengthened, not undermined by a
conflict that could only lead to disastrous consequences. Respectfully yours,
A. Ben-Ghalbon, Chairman
Issued by the Libyan Constitutional
Union, Manchester
The Guardian: 30 May 1988
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